Thrill Seeker 2000 v1.5


File Size:7.30 MB
Name in MCM2:TSeeker2000
.env File:TSeeker2000.env
Save in:..\Teraform\National\
Downloaded by:357 riders so far.
MCM1 Remake:Yes
Release Date:Aug 7, 2000
Trivia:The first image to the right is what this track originally looked like in MCM1. The second one (Thrill Seeker II) was a large scaled map with a much different layout, but still bearing the same name, and by the same creator, so it’s included here for the old-timers to recall. It also explains why the MCM2 version of Thrill Seeker was named version 1.5.
Creators Comments:None

747 (Re-Unleashed)


File Size:7.43 MB
Name in MCM2:747
.env File:747.env
Save in:..\Teraform\National\
Downloaded by:370 riders so far.
MCM1 Remake:Yes
Release Date:Aug 13, 2000
Trivia:The image to the right is what this track originally looked like in MCM1.
Creators Comments:None